
2024 Victorian Landcare Grants – applications closed

Supporting Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks across Victoria

The Victorian Government is helping volunteer groups and networks protect and restore our precious environment.

Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos today announced the opening of the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants, with $3.55 million available to support volunteers in caring for the state’s landscapes and biodiversity.

The grants are open to environmental volunteer groups and networks, including Landcare groups and networks, Friends groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups and Aboriginal groups.

Project grants of up to $20,000 are available for on-ground works and community education projects focused on enhancing the natural environment, including native vegetation and wildlife, waterways and soils.

Support Grants of up to $500 are available to assist with administrative and operational expenses of groups and networks.

Last year, the Victorian Landcare Grants funded 240 projects, including plantings at Buckley Falls Park to enhance the health of Geelong’s Barwon River, installing fencing to protect eastern barred bandicoot and eastern quoll habitat at Tiverton, creating pollinator corridors for bees in the Mount Alexander region and restoring rainforest in the Yarra Ranges.

Since 2000, the Victorian Landcare Grants have invested $77 million in communities to support conservation efforts and empower Victorians to help protect the state’s landscapes, waterways and wildlife.

Applications for the Victorian Landcare Grants will close on 30 April 2024. For more information and to apply, visit 

The grants will help achieve targets set in Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s 20-year plan to protect our environment and native species.

Yarrilinks FrogID event
Project Platypus planting


A total of $3.55 million is available for the Victorian Landcare Grants program across Victoria.

– Project grants

Project Grants of up to $20,000 are available for on-ground works and community education projects that protect or improve the natural environment, including native vegetation and wildlife, waterways and soils.

Note: Projects must be completed and reported on by 30 November 2025.

More than one application can be submitted.

– Support grants

Support Grants of up to $500 are available to help with group and network administration and running costs.

Note: groups and networks can apply for both Support and Project Grants, however if successful in receiving a Project Grant they will not receive a Support Grant.


The grants are open to environmental volunteer groups, including Landcare groups and networks, Friends groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups and Aboriginal groups to support their important work in helping protect the health of our land, waterways and biodiversity.


Applications open:    Tuesday 19th March 2024
Applications close:    5pm Tuesday 30th April 2024

Recipients notified:   September 2024
Projects completed:  30 November 2025


2024 Victorian Landcare Grants – Guidelines Wimmera Region PDF, 2MB

2024 Victorian Landcare Grants – Guidelines Wimmera Region DOCX, 5MB

To Apply

2024 Victorian Smartygrants online application form

Contact & More Information

For more information, contact Wimmera CMA – Community Delivery Manager, Joel Boyd or 0429 949 196.

Horsham District Landcare Network planting event

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