
Publications & resources

Customer Feedback Policy DOCX 345KB, PDF 200KB

Forward Procurement Activity Plan 2023-25 DOCX 48KB, PDF 86KB

Protected Disclosure Procedure (IBAC) DOCX 393KB PDF 225KB

Public statement of commitment to child safety and wellbeing PDF 122KB

Quality Management System Policy PDF 76KB

Wimmera CMA signed waterway by-law No. 3 PDF 393KB

Wimmera CMA Statement of Obligations Catchment and Land Protection Act PDF 546KB

Wimmera CMA Statement of Obligations Water Act PDF 680KB

Wimmera CMA Annual Report 2022-23 PDF 9.39MB

Wimmera CMA Annual Report 2021-22 PDF 3.31MB

Wimmera CMA Annual Report 2020-21 PDF 2.72MB

Wimmera CMA Annual Report 2019-20 PDF 3.95MB

Wimmera CMA Annual Report 2018-19 PDF 1.89MB

Wimmera CMA Corporate Plan 2023-28 PDF 2.70MB

Wimmera CMA Corporate Plan 2022-27 PDF 5.16MB

Wimmera CMA Corporate Plan 2021-26 PDF 2.99MB

Wimmera CMA Corporate Plan 2020-25 PDF 2.94MB

Wimmera CMA Corporate Plan 2019-24 PDF 3.61MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2022-23 PDF 6.36MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2021-22 PDF 14MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2020-21 PDF 15MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2019-20 PDF 4.51MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2018-19 PDF 9.58MB

Victorian CMAs Actions and Achievements Report 2017-18 PDF 8.87MB

Victorian CMA’s Actions and Achievements Report 2016-17 PDF 7.42MB

Victorian CMA’s Actions and Achievements Report 2015-16 PDF 10.27MB

Victorian CMA’s Actions and Achievements Report 2014-15 PDF 5.03MB

Victorian CMA’s Actions and Achievements Report 2013-14 PDF 4.32MB


Waterwatch Resource Game Board creeks and Pipes PDF 1.04MB

Learning about our Catchment and Water Quality

Waterwatch Resource Catchment Map PDF 918KB

Water Quality Booklet – Fresh & Salty PDF 5.44MB

See the Fresh & Salty videos on our YouTube Channel

GTAV Resources

For more details see our Education page

If you would like to find more resources or information see

– Water in the World – Wimmera region case study – Year 7 Geography

Teacher unit outline and lesson plan series PDF 1.00MB

Student worksheets PDF 883KB

Teacher worksheet solutions PDF 954KB

See the GTAV website if you would like to find more resources or information on this Water in the World

– Place and Liveability – Wimmera region case study – Year 7 Geography

Teacher Plan Place and Liveability PDF 965KB

Lesson 1 What is Liveability PDF 1.0MB

Lesson 2 Natural features of the Wimmera region PDF 788KB

Lesson 3 Liveability Human environment PDF 605KB

Lesson 4 Liveability Natural Environment PDF 786KB

Lesson 5 Threats to water resources PDF 1.0MB

Lesson 6 Improving liveability PDF 722KB

Lesson 7 Fieldwork preparation PDF 570KB

Lesson 8 Fieldwork activities PDF, 821KB

Lesson 9 Field Report PDF 456KB

See the GTAV website if you would like to find more resources or information on this Place and Liveability

– First Nations Water in the World – Wimmera Region Case Study – Year 7 Geography

Teacher Plan: The Geography of Water – First Nations Focus PDF 1.16MB

Lesson 1 The First Nations People of the Wimmera Region PDF 423KB

Lesson 2 Indigenous Use and Management of Water Resources PDF 373KB

Lesson 3 Ranch Billabong, A Case Study PDF 877KB

If you would like to find more resources or information see the GTAV website lesson First Nations Water in the World

Wimmera Floodplain Management Strategy PDF 5.34MB

Wimmera Floodplain Management Strategy-Midterm Implementation Report PDF 4.93MB

Wimmera Flood Warning Service Charter PDF 1.14MB

Guidelines for Development in Flood Affected Areas PDF 2.36MB

Wimmera CMA Form Flood Advice Information Request DOCX 42KB

VicSMART Information Form DOCX 45KB

VicSmart Application Guide PDF 362KB

Wimmera CMA Form Works On Waterways WOW Permit Application DOCX 515KB

Current Reports

Wimmera Floodplain Management Strategy PDF 5.34MB
Wimmera Floodplain Management Strategy-Midterm Implementation Report PDF 4.93MB

Flood Investigation – Concongella Creek Regional Flood Mapping stage 1 draft PDF 2.30MB

Flood Investigation – Dunmunkle Creek PDF 11.67MB

Flood Investigation – Halls Gap PDF 2.61MB

Flood Investigation – Horsham Wartook – Final Report PDF 40.02MB

  • Flood Investigation -Horsham Wartook – Design Modelling Report PDF 10.66MB
  • Flood Investigation – Horsham Wartook – Calibration Report PDF 14.86MB
  • Flood Investigation – Horsham Wartook – Data Collation Review PDF 5.06MB
  • Flood Investigation – Horsham Wartook – Data Verification PDF 4.48MB

Flood Investigation – Lower Wimmera

  • Flood Investigation – Lower Wimmera – Hydrology PDF 3.85MB
  • Flood Investigation – Lower Wimmera – Hydraulics PDF 12.58MB
  • Flood Investigation – Lower Wimmera – Flood Intelligence PDF 4.74MB
  • Flood Investigation – Lower Wimmera – Site Visit and Data Collation PDF 11.90MB

Flood Investigation – Mt William Creek PDF 46.20MB

  • Flood Investigation – Mt William Creek – Executive Summary PDF 2.62MB
  • Flood Investigation – Mt William Creek – Appendicies PDF 156.55MB

Flood Investigation – Natimuk PDF 3.57MB

  • Flood Investigation – Natimuk Report Appendicies PDF 1.49MB

Flood Investigation – Upper Wimmera PDF 42.47MB

  • Flood Investigation – Upper Wimmera – Executive Summary PDF 2.62MB

Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Beulah PDF 2.84MB

Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim PDF 19.19MB

  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Flood Intelligence Report PDF 6.41MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Flood Mitigation Options PDF 11.75MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Flood Warning Assessment PDF 4.93MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Hydrology & Hydraulics PDF 3.58MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Levee Design Report PDF 3.19MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – No Levee 100 year Flood Extent JPG 2.12MB
  • Flood Investigation – Warracknabeal and Brim – Proposed Levee Height Map JPG 19.23MB

Flood Investigation – Wimmera River & Yarriambiack Creek Flow Modelling* PDF 3.68MB

* The Wimmera River and Yarriambiack Creek Flow Modelling investigation undertook hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of the waterways between Glenorchy, Horsham, and Warracknabeal. The study assessed both current and ‘pre-European’ catchment-waterway-floodplain regimes.

Previous Reports

Flood Investigation – Dimboola PDF 3.45MB

Flood Investigation – Glenorchy PDF 763.17KB

Flood Investigation – Halls Gap 2008 PDF 3.00MB

Flood Investigation – Horsham PDF 3.23MB

Flood Investigation – Jeparit PDF 3.62MB

Flood and Flow Extent Maps

Flood Map Locations1-in-5
year event
year event
year event
year event
year event
year event
AEP Flood and Flow Events
Beulah 200610%5%2%1%0.5%
Concongella 201520%10% 5%2%  1%0.5% 
Dunmunkle 2017 – Rupanyup town post mitigation1%
Dunmunkle 2017 – Boolite, Murtoa, Glenorchy & Upper Dunmunkle Creek20%10%5%2%1%0.5%
Halls Gap 201720%10%5%2%1%0.5%
Horsham-Wartook 201920%10%5%2% 1%0.5%
Lower Wimmera 2016 – downstream
of Horsham 
20%10%5%2%1% 0.5%
Mount William Creek 201420%10% 5%2%1% 0.5%
Natimuk 201320%10%5% 2%1%0.5%
Upper Wimmera 201420%10%5% 2%1%0.5%
Wimmera River & Yarriambiack Creek
2009 (inc. Horsham)
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 – Brim20%10%5%2%1%0.5%
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 –
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 – Jung20%10%5%2%1%0.5%

PLEASE NOTE: Maps are provided for general community information purposes only.
Flood levels and floor levels are determined from information available at a particular time and actual levels may exceed those shown. For information about flood conditions and restrictions affecting a particular property, contact Wimmera CMA or the relevant council. Neither Wimmera CMA nor the State of Victoria claim or warrant that the information in this map is accurate, complete or up to date, and neither Wimmera CMA nor the State shall be responsible or liable in respect of any use of or reliance placed on it by any person.

Flood and Flow Extent Maps – High Resolution

Please note these files contain higher quality details and are therefore large files.

AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability) Flood and Flow Event Extent Maps

Flood Map Locations1-in-5
year event
year event
year event
year event
year event
year event
year event
AEP Flood and Flow Events
Beulah 200610%5%2%1%0.5% 
Concongella 201520%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Dunmunkle 2017 – Rupanyup town post mitigation1%
Dunmunkle 2017 – Boolite, Murtoa, Glenorchy & Upper Dunmunkle Creek20%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Halls Gap 201720%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Lower Wimmera 2016 – downstream of Horsham20%10%5%2%1%0.5%0.2%
Mount William Ck 201420%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Natimuk 201320%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Upper Wimmera 201420%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Wimmera River & Yarriambiack Creek 2009
(inc. Horsham)
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 – Brim20%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 – Warracknabeal20%10%5%2%1%0.5% 
Yarriambiack Creek 2016 – Jung20%10%5%2%1%0.5% 

PLEASE NOTE: Maps are provided for general community information purposes only.
Flood levels and floor levels are determined from information available at a particular time and actual levels may exceed those shown. For information about flood conditions and restrictions affecting a particular property, contact Wimmera CMA or the relevant council. Neither Wimmera CMA nor the State of Victoria claim or warrant that the information in this map is accurate, complete or up to date, and neither Wimmera CMA nor the State shall be responsible or liable in respect of any use of or reliance placed on it by any person.

Wimmera CMA Form Flood Advice Information Request DOCX 61KB

Wimmera CMA Form Works On Waterways WOW Permit Application DOCX 58KB

VicSMART Information Form DOCX 44.89KB

VicSmart Application Guide PDF 362.21KB

Wimmera CMA Recruitment Information DOCX 1MB PDF 862KB

Wimmera CMA Landcare and Community Participation Plan PDF 1MB

Wimmera Landcare Overview PDF 13.98MB

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan – Wimmera

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Wimmera DOCX 732KB PDF 2MB

Appendix 1-Maps for Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery Plan PDF 6.66MB

Appendix 1-Maps for Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery Plan DOCX 17MB

Appendix 2-Multi-jurisdictional inventory of assets PDF 386KB

Appendix 2-Multi-jurisdictional inventory of assets DOCX 152KB

Appendix 3-DEECA Bushfire Risk Assessment Metadata Statement Wimmera CMA PDF 463KB

Appendix 3-DEECA Bushfire Risk Assessment Metadata Statement Wimmera CMA DOCX 639KB

Natural Resource Management Plan for Climate Change Modelling – Agricultural Land Protection WCMA PDF 606KB

Natural Resource Management Plan for Climate Change Modelling – Waterways PDF 684KB

NRMPCC Modelling – Priortisiation PDF 710KB

Social Drivers of NRM in the Wimmera 2017 PDF 2.64MB

Social Drivers of NRM in the Wimmera 2012 PDF 1.63MB

Social Drivers of NRM in the Wimmera 2008 PDF 1.42MB

Social Drivers of NRM in the Wimmera 2002 PDF 1.36MB

WDA Recreational Water Economic Contribution 2022 Selected Events PDF 3.05MB

Wimmera Carbon Ready Plan PDF 3.69MB

Wimmera Carbon Ready Plan (HR) PDF 52.79MB

Wimmera Social Benchmarking Report Summary 2023 PDF 230KB

Wimmera Social Benchmarking Report 2023 PDF 3.00MB

Biodiversity Plan 2037 – Protecting Victorias Environment PDF 4.77MB

Biodiversity Plan 2037 – Summary PDF 324KB

Community Wetland Birds Monitoring – User Guide PDF 1.11MB

Community Wetland Birds Monitoring – Monitoring Form DOCX 35KB

Community Wetland Birds Monitoring – JSA XLSX 28KB

Feral Cat Declaration Information Sheet PDF 285KB

Flora and fauna guide for Buloke Woodlands in the Wimmera 2005 PDF 1.14MB

Native Fish Report Card 2022 – Wimmera River PDF 4.9MB DOCX 983KB

Wimmera Biodiversity Action Plan 2022 PDF 3.14MB

Wimmera Bird Monitoring Report 2013 PDF 515KB

Wimmera Native Fish Management Plan PDF 2.3 MB DOCX, 36.2 MB

Wimmera Invasive Plant Animal Management Strategy 2019 PDF 4.98MB

Data Driven Drought Resilience project Soil Probe Network Fact Sheet PDF 4.44MB

Data Driven Drought Resilience project Weather Station & Soil Moisture Probe Network PDF 1.33MB

Seasonal Watering Plans/Proposals

Environmental Water

Environmental Watering Management Plan for Wimmera River PDF 15.4MB

Environmental Watering Management Plan for Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Wetlands PDF 16.3MB

VEWH What is environmental water? PDF 4MB

VEWH Why is environmental watering important? PDF 5MB

VEWH What does environmental watering aim to achieve? PDF 2MB

VEWH What does environmental watering involve? PDF 2MB

VEWH How do we know if environmental watering is successful? PDF 4MB

VEWH What is environmental water trading? PDF 968KB

Waterway Assessments and Condition Reports

Connecting the Catchments PDF 1.02MB

Lake Natimuk Weir Ecological Assessment PDF 6.99MB

Wimmera Wetland Hydrology Investigation PDF 14.51MB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report PDF 6.07MB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report-Section One PDF 381KB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report-Section Two PDF 2.04MB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report-Section Three PDF 2.26MB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report-Section Four PDF 993KB

Wimmera Geomorphic Categorisation and Stream Condition Report – Appendices PDF 862KB

Wimmera River Geomorphic Investigation – Sediment Sources, Transport and Fate – Dec 2004 PDF 24.16MB

Managing vegetation and large wood in and around waterways – Overview-and-approvals PDF 219KB

Managing vegetation and large wood in and around waterways – Instream vegetation and flooding PDF 251KB

Managing vegetation and large wood in and around waterways – Large wood (snags) and flooding PDF 343KB

Managing vegetation and large wood in and around waterways – Riparian (streamside) vegetation and flooding PDF 270KB

Waterway Action Plans

Waterway Action Plan – Burnt Creek PDF 2.83MB

Waterway Action Plan – Concongella Creek PDF 1.71MB

Waterway Action Plan – Glendhu Creek PDF 820KB

Waterway Action Plan – Glenlofty Creek PDF 2.11MB

Waterway Action Plan – Glenpatrick and Nowhere PDF 912KB

Waterway Action Plan – Green Lake PDF 12.1MB

Waterway Action Plan – MacKenzie River PDF 23.51MB

Waterway Action Plan – Millers Creek PDF 4.64MB

Waterway Action Plan – Mt Cole Waterway PDF 1.01MB

Waterway Action Plan – Seven Mile Creek PDF 972KB

Waterway Action Plan – Shays Creek PDF 2.63MB

Waterway Action Plan – Six Mile Creek PDF 2.63MB

Waterway Action Plan – Spring Tuckers Creek PDF 840KB

Waterway Action Plan – Wattle Creek PDF 1.37MB

Waterway Action Plan – Wimmera Heritage River PDF 9.82MB

Waterway Action Plan – Wimmera River Reach 2 PDF 1.77MB

Waterway Action Plan – Wimmera River Reaches 3, 4, 5, 6.1 PDF 1.01MB

Waterway Action Plan – Wimmera River Reach 6.2 PDF 1.69MB

Waterway Action Plan – Yarriambiack Creek PDF 5.09MB

Waterway Action Plan – Dunmunkle Creek PDF 35.68MB

Waterway Strategies

Wimmera CMA Waterway Strategy 2014-22 PDF 5.84MB

Wimmera Wetland Asset Strategy 2011 PDF 1.66MB

Wimmera Strategic Directions Statement 2020 PDF 10.18MB

Download Wimmera RCS PDFs

Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) 2021-27 PDF 7.91MB

Wimmera RCS 2021-27 Appendix 1 PDF 199KB

Wimmera RCS 2021-27 Appendix 2 PDF 285KB

Wimmera RCS 2021-27 Appendix 3 PDF 43KB

Wimmera RCS 2021-27 Appendix 4 PDF 123KB

Wimmera RCS 2021-27-Addendum-Wimmera Regional Land Partnerships Program Action Plan PDF 6.15MB

Wimmera Regional Delivery Plan 2013-2018 PDF 3.53MB

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across the region and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images of people who have died.