Action plan for rivers, wetlands and their floodplains

The Wimmera Waterway Strategy is a plan that helps waterway managers and the community look after Wimmera waterways.
The strategy will benefit waterway health, fish and other wildlife, and people who use and enjoy waterways.
The strategy updates and replaces the Wimmera Waterway Strategy 2014. It will reflect catchment changes since 2014 and priorities of the Wimmera community.
The strategy will inform governments and waterway managers about the region’s priority waterways and guide action and investment.
State and federal government policies, including the Victorian Waterway Management Strategy, will also inform the strategy.
Strategy actions will seek to increase the role of Traditional Owners in the care and management of water landscapes, in line with their aspirations and the Water is Life – Traditional Owner Access to Water Roadmap.
Have your say on a 10-year plan to improve Wimmera rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands
We want to hear your thoughts on Wimmera rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands. Your responses will help inform development of the draft 10-year plan.
Complete the online survey and tell us:
- Which Wimmera waterways are important to you?
- Why are they important?
- What would you like to see happen to look after them?

Implements the Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy
We developed the Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy in 2021 in collaboration with the Wimmera community and partner organisations.
The catchment strategy sets a long-term vision and desired outcomes for the Wimmera’s water, land, and biodiversity.
The Wimmera Waterway Strategy will provide a plan for achieving the catchment strategy’s desired outcomes for rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands.
What the waterway strategy covers
The Wimmera Waterway Strategy will describe:
- Wimmera waterways and their importance to the community.
- The community’s desired outcomes for waterways over the next 10 and 20-years.
- Threats and challenges impacting on waterways.
- Priority areas for action during the 10-year strategy’s life.
- An implementation plan including actions for achieving the community’s desired outcomes for waterways.
“As a community organisation, we understand the importance of ensuring everyone has an opportunity to have their say in the future of our waterways.”
David Brennan, Wimmera CMA Chief Executive

Steps and timing
We will develop a draft Wimmera Water Strategy considering contributions from community members and partner organisations during 2025.
We will seek public feedback on a draft Wimmera Waterway Strategy in early 2026.
We aim to submit the final strategy to the Victorian Government Minister for Water and the Minister for Environment in 2026 for consideration for approval.
We will post updates on our website here and Facebook as they become available.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss the strategy or find out more information on how you can get involved. Call us on 03 5382 1544 or email