Get involved
Active local people and communities are vital for ensuring the Wimmera’s land, water and biodiversity have a healthy future.
Thousands of volunteers get their hands dirty every day to care for and repair the natural environment. The Wimmera has experienced great success in the delivery of ‘on-ground works’ and Landcare projects, largely thanks to the efforts and hard work of volunteers.
The continued involvement of community volunteers in natural resource management is a healthy and sustainable activity of great importance to Wimmera CMA and the region.
Wimmera CMA is always looking at innovative ways to engage and motivate volunteers in its on-ground activities.
If you wish to get involved and become a Wimmera CMA volunteer, please contact Wimmera CMA. Or for further information check out volunteer opportunities in the following areas:
Wimmera Landcare invites individuals and groups from urban areas to undertake Landcare activities such as community tree planting weekends and other events across the catchment.
There are more than 50 community-based groups active in the Wimmera region, engaging with approximately 1,200 members and other volunteers.
Contact details for the Wimmera-based Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator and positions in other regions across Victoria can be found here.
Contact details for all facilitators and examples of local groups can be found on the Victorian Landcare Gateway.
Landcare grants will be posted on the EOI, tenders and grants page.
Wimmera Community Waterwatch (WCW) started in 1995. Its main purpose is to monitor water quality and provide environmental education to community groups and schools across the catchment.
Visit Waterwatch for more information
Together with the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria (GTAV), Wimmera CMA have developed a set of 5 lessons for Year 7 Geography teachers and students.
River detectives an educational resource for teachers and students
Further information on Education
Flood monitoring
Local knowledge and on-ground information about flood events are highly important. This information can be used at the time of the event by incident control managers or in preparation for future flood events
If you would like to volunteer during flood events to record flood information please contact us and we will contact you in the case of a flood event.
For further information please contact one of Wimmera CMA’s floodplain officers on 03 5382 1544, or email