PPS Annual Conference 2022
“Cracking on From Covid; Farming on a High”
Tuesday 23 August 8:30am
Ararat Town Hall – Barkly St Ararat
Booking: www.trybooking.com
Conference $50 for members and $75 for non members
Dinner & drinks at own cost at the meeting from 6pm at Ararat RSL

The independent, regional farmer group Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) will conduct its 13th Annual Conference in Ararat on Tuesday August 23rd.
PPS President; Matt Kindred, said “that it will be great to have the conference back as a live event after the disruptions of the Covid restrictions over the past two years.
The conference will be conducted at the Ararat Town Hall and will focus on the future with the title “Cracking on From Covid; Farming on a High”. The theme reflects the good seasonal conditions & livestock prices currently being experienced in the region.
Interstate speakers, Dr Rachelle Hergenham from the University of New England, Laura Gartland from MLA and Richard Hayes from NSW DPI will present information about on and off farm technology.
Animal nutritionist, Jess Revell from Rumenate Livestock Services, will analyse the results of the PPS pasture feed quality project conducted last spring and the effect in planning supplementary feed programs.
The implications of rising on farm costs will be addressed by Thomas Elder Markets analysts, Matt Dalgleish and Andrew Whitelaw.
Merino breeder Chad Taylor from Mumblebone in NSW will complete the presentations talking about on farm management of their large sheep property.
A panel of presenters will be facilitated by PPS member, Charlie de Fegely before the conference participants will head to Ararat farm machinery manufacturers A. F. Gason for a guided tour through their modern facilities.
The PPS Annual Dinner at the Ararat RSL will follow the conference with noted meat industry analyst, Simon Quitly as guest speaker, talking about his early days in the industry which started as a back packer in China.
Matt Kindred said “The PPS conference costs $50 for members and $75 for non members and the annual dinner and drinks are at your own cost: PPS has managed to keep the cost low due to the generous support of sponsors and we thank them for that and for sticking with PPS despite the long road to getting the conference back to being an in person show”.
Contact PPS Project Manager, Rob Shea for further information – 0438 521357 yadin@netconnect.com.au