The Frogs are Calling You
Community Wetland Frog Monitoring
The Frogs Are Calling You citizen science project is a collaboration between the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP); Frogs Victoria; Australian Museum; University of Melbourne; Goulburn Broken CMA; and North Central CMA.
Frogs are some of the most endangered animals in the world, so The Frogs Are Calling You project is about making sure water is being provided in the right amounts in the right places and at the right time, because at times water can be so scarce. The project is seeking community support to help to find out where frogs live and when they breed in northern Victoria.
One of the monitoring sites included in the project is Carapugna wetland. Carapugna is on public land near Watchem. It supports an amazing diversity of plants including the threatened Ridged Water Milfoil and Chariot Wheels.
Carapugna is one of the wetlands in the Wimmera that Wimmera CMA in conjunction with VEWH and GWMWater have been able to supply water from the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline for the last 7 years. This water supply comes from the ‘environmental water’ or ‘water for the environment’ allocation. This helps provide regular top-ups to some wetlands to help keep the wildlife that lives there healthy and happy.
More info and how to get involved
Find out more at:
If you sign up to join The Frogs Are Calling You citizen science project, email us your Name and Post Address and we’ll send you a free copy of The Glovebox Guide to Wimmera Frogs as a thanks for your help!
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline filled wetlands
There are a number of wetlands that receive these top-ups from the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline in the Wimmera. They are on a mix of private and public land and provide habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna, including several threatened species. These wetlands are: Carapugna, Challambra Swamp, Crow Swamp, Fielding’s Dam, Harcoans, Mutton Swamp, Opie’s Dam, Pinedale, Sawpit Swamp, Tarkedia and Wal Wal Swamp.

Carapugna is on public land near Watchem. It supports an amazing diversity of plants including the threatened Ridged Water Milfoil and Chariot Wheels.
Challambra Swamp
Challambra Swamp is located near Warracknabeal is on a mix of private and public land and with the water comes large numbers of wood ducks and teal. Unfortunately they are very camera shy.

Crow Swamp
Crow Swamp is on public land at Tarranyurk this wetland contains a remarkably large Spiny Lignum, a threatened species. It stood alone for many years until environmental watering meant that its seed were able to germinate and survive.
Fieldings Dam
Fieldings Dam is located on private land near Watchem, environmental water helps sustain the health of an enormous Black Box scar tree.

Harcoans is situated on public land near Minyip, in 2016 hundreds of ibis, ducks and other waterbirds enjoyed the high water levels due to the wet winter and spring.
Mutton Swamp
Mutton Swamp is on public land south of Rupanyup and was originally set aside to be the town’s water storage. Environmental watering is leading to the vegetation transitioning from weeds to wetland grasses and sedges.

Opie’s Dam
Opie’s Dam is on private property near Murtoa and support a population of endangered Growling Grass Frogs.
Pinedale is on private land near Brim and environmental watering leads to an enormous boom of life to the delight of the landowners who have done an outstanding job of looking after the wetland through managing pest plants and animals.

Sawpit Swamp
Sawpit Swamp is located on public land near Murtoa and whilst the swamp does not hold water for a very long time, there is usually an abundance of Old Man Weed or Sneezeweed that grows once it dries out. It has a very distinctive fragrance and was value by Aboriginal people for its medicinal properties.
Tarkedia is on public land near Sheep Hills and has undergone an impressive transformation as environmental water has improved the wetland vegetation and wetland birds like grebes have benefitted immensely.

Wal Wal Swamp
Wal Wal Swamp is on public land at (surprise, surprise) Wal Wal. It has some enormous River Red Gums that benefit from environmental watering.
Further details regarding these wetlands supplied by the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline on public land in the Wimmera can be found here – where they are and if they contain water. But feel free to use this approach to monitor wetlands on public land elsewhere in the region!