Works on waterways
Works on Waterways Permits
Wimmera CMA has statutory responsibilities under the Water Act 1989 and ‘By-law No.3 Waterway Protection 2024’ to monitor, manage, enforce, and administer control over all works which may impact upon designated waterways throughout the Wimmera region to ensure works undertaken do not adversely affect the health of those waterways.
The approval process is designed to provide practical judgment and best-practice guidance to ensure works or activities have appropriately addressed hydraulic, physical, and environmental impacts on the health of our waterways.
How to apply for approval.
You can apply for a Works on Waterway Permit by completing our online form.
- Go to the map shown at the bottom of the page or open a new map.
- On the map click “Apply for works on waterways” button
shown at the bottom right.
- Click on the map at the location of the proposed works.
- Complete the form details.
- Click “Submit”
If you have any questions, please call us (03) 5382 1544.
When do you need approval?
All works and activities within the bed and banks of designated waterways in the Wimmera region require an approved Works on Waterways Permit from Wimmera CMA.
A designated waterway is a waterway that has been listed within the Water Act 1989 as requiring this additional level of oversight to protect its environmental values.
What does it cost?
Wimmera CMA does not currently charge a fee to go through the Works on Waterways Permit process.
Please Note: All works on waterways are subject to the
Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and must comply with the
Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007
More information can be found at the First Peoples State Relations website, or find out more about Cultural Heritage Management Plans.
Need more information?
Landholders are sometimes concerned about the potential for flooding which may be caused by instream wood and vegetation in and around a waterway. A series of fact sheets available below include information for the community about managing vegetation and information about approvals that may be required in its management:
For more information about Works on Waterways permits you can email or phone (03) 5382 1544.
Designated Waterways Map
Find location and waterway details for your application on the Wimmera Interactive Catchment Map below. How to use the interactive map