
1 Current News


Dock Lake’s February Bird Bonanza: Record Counts and Rare Sightings!

Dock Lake February 2025 Bird Survey Date: 22 February 2025 Dock Lake water levels dropping, February 2025 Water Levels and Vegetation Water levels continue to drop due to evaporation...

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The Great Bird Exodus from Lake Hindmarsh

Lake Hindmarsh February 2025 Bird Survey Date: 12 February 2025 Flock of ducks at Lake Hindmarsh Nature's Resilience at Lake Hindmarsh In February, the once-thriving Lake Hindmarsh witnessed...

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Water for the environment update: Autumn

Water flows to improve quality Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health, the environment, agriculture and recreation. Understanding the factors that influence water quality is an...

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Action plan for rivers, wetlands and their floodplains

Jonny fishing in the Wimmera River The Wimmera Waterway Strategy is a plan that helps waterway managers and the community look after Wimmera waterways.The strategy will benefit waterway health, fish...

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Low emissions workshops for Wimmera farmers: JULY

Postponed to July 14 and 15 Helping farmers track and manage their carbon emissions will be the subject of free Wimmera workshops in July. Bellarine Peninsula livestock producer and low-emissions...

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Get future-ready with Capacity Building Grants

Empower your community through sustainable agriculture The Capacity Building Round 2 grant opportunity is now open. This is your chance to build up your community’s capacity to support Australian...

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Water Workshop: Moyston

2 days - 18 and 25 March All you need to know about water Hosted by farmer Anthony Pola and Agriculture Victoria officer Clem Sturmfels. A 2-day workshop at the Moyston Recreation Reserve rooms...

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Saving water when it’s dry

Apart from some rain over the past week or so, a lack of rain and natural flows since 2022 means the Wimmera catchment is rapidly drying. This is leading to decreasing water levels in storage lakes and...

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Free Works on Waterways Permits

If you are planning work in and around a waterway on your property, such as building a crossing, we have made it even easier for you to check if that is a designated waterway. If it is a designated waterway...

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across the region and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images of people who have died.