Empowering Wimmera’s Farming Women
Chicks in the Sticks has returned to the Wimmera after close to a ten year break. Chicks in the Sticks 2024 We delivered their first Chicks in the Sticks event in 2010, born out of recognition that...

Frogtober – Small Actions, Big Impact
How You Can Help Victoria‘s Frogs This October Victorians are being invited to connect with nature in their neighbourhood by recording frog calls throughout October as part of Frog Month Victoria....

Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
Chances are, that if you’ve been to a Landcare or sustainable farming event recently, you’re likely to have met our SAFs, Alicia and Bronwyn.

Access the soil moisture probe portal
Wimmera soil moisture and weather station network Go to data portal Are you a dryland farmer, agronomist, plant breeder or with the emergency services? Did you know you can access the data and benefit...

Wimmera region teaching resources for Geography and Humanities
Together with the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria (GTAV), Wimmera CMA have developed 2 Case Study Resources lesson plans for Year 7 Geography teachers and students.

25 years of Victorian CMAs-Actions and Achievements report
💧 For more than 25 years, Victoria’s CMAs have worked with Traditional Owners, partners and community to deliver land, water and biodiversity programs that not only protect and enhance landscapes...

Snail management podcast series
Join Dr Michael Nash in this podcast series discussing how vineyard snails, or common white snails are a serious pest in parts of the Wimmera, due to their ability to contaminate grain and clog or damage harvest machinery

Maximising ecosystem opportunities to fit your business: carbon
What do resilient agricultural investments look like? As economies transition towards lower emissions, new carbon neutrality and emission-efficient technologies are presenting economic, environmental...

Ground cover, soil erosion and nutrient loss
Dr Rob Norton presentation on ground cover, soil erosion and nutrient loss. In this presentation he looks at the importance of healthy and productive soils.

Soil pH, nutrient availability and liming webinar series
Dr Rob Norton presents the first webinar on Soil pH, nutrient availability and liming. In this series of short slide presentations he discusses the meaning and importance of soil pH for healthy, productive soils.