26th Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar
Rediscovering out Threatened Species. This years seminar will be held in Warracknabeal with a line-up of speakers and a tour.
Wimmera region teaching resources for Geography and Humanities
Together with the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria (GTAV), Wimmera CMA have developed 2 Case Study Resources lesson plans for Year 7 Geography teachers and students.
2023-24 Seasonal Watering Plan
Download a copy of the Victorian Environmental Water Holder 2022-23 Seasonal Watering Plan.
Using multi-species pastures for production & soil health
At a glance Zoe and Luke CrouchLocation: Landsborough West, in the Upper Wimmera on the edge of the Pyrenees rangesEnterprise mix: Self-replacing merinos, calf-rearing and pasture raised chickens...
Sowing for success by Jade Killoran
Jade works with farmers to trial, adopt and manage multi-species pastures and cover crops through her business Healthy Farming Systems.
Water for the Environment Winter 2023
Monitoring. How do we know if a waterway is living up to environmental and community expectations? What can waterways tell us about the landscape?
CMA Board Member Apiarist
In celebrating World Bee Day we share with you a profile on Wimmera CMA board member and apiarist, Angela Enbom.
Life-changing discovery leads to more nutritional approach
WIMMERA FARMING CASE STUDY Shannon and Emma Byron Kellalac, Wimmera, VIC Mixed broadacre cropping, sheep and cattle Farm with Shannon’s parents Kim and Lynette Minimum, no-till system...
Wimmera farmer events
There are some fantastic farmer events happening in the Wimmera next week with David Hardwick, which we are proud to support. Wednesday 3 May, 9am-4pm, Pomonal Hall: Holistic Nutrient Management....
Snail management podcast series
Join Dr Michael Nash in this podcast series discussing how vineyard snails, or common white snails are a serious pest in parts of the Wimmera, due to their ability to contaminate grain and clog or damage harvest machinery