Waterways and wetlands funding
If you would like to do work on your farm to protect your rivers, creeks and wetlands, Wimmera CMA has funding available to help. Put in your expression of interest now via our online form or email...

World Water Week – The Value of Water
The theme of this year's event is "Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water" with a focus on the diverse aspects of water, how others view and value water and the exploration of water’s full value to society. Across...

Analysing Soil Health with Artificial Intelligence
Wimmera CMA CEO Dave Brennan with PhD student Mohammad Rahman The Wimmera CMA is involved in a couple of Soil CRC research projects. They have been working with Dr Hanabeth Luke from Southern Cross...

Horsham Community Flood Information Session
Do you live in Horsham? Do you know what your flood risk is? VicSES in Horsham invites you to drop by to ask at their Horsham community flood information session. Drop in at Horsham Neighbourhood...

PPS Annual Conference 2022
"Cracking on From Covid; Farming on a High" Tuesday 23 August 8:30amArarat Town Hall – Barkly St AraratBooking: www.trybooking.com Conference $50 for members and $75 for non members Dinner...

Wimmera Interactive Catchment Map
Free data for the community on waterways, wetlands, floods, native vegetation, areas of cultural significance and Landcare activities.

Hindmarsh Landcare Network 2022 Plantout
The 2022 Project Hindmarsh planting weekend will be held from Friday 1 July to Sunday 3 July, and hosted at the Dimboola Recreational Reserve.

2022 Victorian Landcare Grants
The Victorian Government is providing $3.35 million through the Victorian Landcare Grants to support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks. Applications close: 5pm Tuesday 26th July 2022.

Bugs n Brews with David Hardwick
Learn how to make and use low-cost biofertilisers and bioferments using practical fermentation-based techniques with David Hardwick

Reboot your soil health webinar series
Join us for a 3-part webinar series with David Hardwick from Soil Land Food on how to reboot your soil health. Deepen your understanding of how soils work Explore ways to regenerate and...